A blog intensifying the flavor of life and toasting those who share in the feast, rather than settling for a dry, plain, melba toast existence.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

pen pals

I remember standing in a field, writing a note, putting it into a balloon and sending it up into the air to be found by someone who would then write a letter to me. As wonderful as this sounded at the time, the practical side of me would often wonder at what point the balloon would pop. Could it make it through a rainstorm? Would it land in a lake and never be found? How many miles could it travel before being discovered by someone who would follow the instructions and be curious enough to follow through? I do not remember any of these questions ever being answered.

As a child growing up six miles from a town of about 2,000, I had dreams of going to faraway places to see what life was like for those living elsewhere. Always looking for ways to make connections with people from other places, I would give my address to new friends I would make, especially when we were on vacation, in the hope of receiving letters. When one of my first best friends from school moved to a town about 40 miles away, we sent letters back and forth for awhile. In the days before our current technology, news traveled slowly. Very slowly for a little girl with big dreams.

The other day I discovered that on my business page, dream with m.e., one of my "likes" is from someone in India. Even given today's technology, I am amazed by this. I am equally impressed that people from the United Kingdom and Russia are possibly reading this post right now, according to the statistics on my blog. It is like my own little balloon of information has been found. My words are traveling to places I have only dreamed of going and though I most likely will never meet the people who have decided to make a connection with me even by clicking a key on a computer, I get excited that my childhood dream of making contact with someone in a different place has been realized at last.

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